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Updated guidelines for Daily Health Checks and attending school

checklist.pngThe Ministry of Education has released an updated Daily Health Checks and What To Do When Sick resource. It is important that everyone, including students, staff and visitors, continues to assess how they are feeling before going to school, to protect our communities and prevent the spread of COVID-19.The online can assist in performing your daily health check. Check for the following symptoms of illness and COVID-19:

  • Fever or chills
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Body aches
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Nausea or vomiting

Here's what to do if you or someone in your household has symptoms:

If you are sick or feel unwell, stay home. This is important to prevent the spread of illness and COVID-19 in schools.
If you have mild symptoms, stay home until you feel well enough to return to your regular activities and no longer have a fever. Avoid non-essential visits to higher risk settings such as long-term care facilities for another five days after feeling better. (You may attend school if your symptoms are consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition, such as seasonal allergies.)
If you have a Rapid Antigen Test, take it if you have symptoms:

  • If your result is negative, COVID-19 was not detected. However, it is possible that you may have COVID-19. Self-isolate until your symptoms improve.
  • If your result is positive, self-isolate at home for the following durations, based on your age and vaccination status:
    • Under 18 + Fully Vaccinated, Partially Vaccinated or Unvaccinated: Self-isolate at home for five days AND until your symptoms improve and you no longer have a fever.
    • 18 or Older + Fully Vaccinated: Self-isolate at home for five days AND until your symptoms improve and you no longer have a fever.
    • 18 or Older + NOT Fully Vaccinated: Self-isolate at home for 10 days AND until your symptoms improve and you no longer have a fever.

If you still have symptoms, continue to isolate if you still have a fever or are not feeling better.
If you are unsure about whether to get tested, use the or contact your healthcare provider or 8-1-1 to determine if you should seek a COVID-19 test.
If someone in your household is sick and/or self-isolating, you may attend school as long as you do not have any symptoms of illness and feel well. Monitor yourself (or your child) for symptoms and stay home if you feel unwell.

The best way to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. Vaccines are available for anyone five and older. Register now at 

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