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Procedure 8620.1 - Student Creative Works and Performances

Criteria for the Display, Performance and Production of Student Creative Works

The following criteria will be used as a guide for the display or performance of student creative works.
1. The student works or performance chosen will have aesthetic, literacy, historical, moral and/or social value.
2. The student work or performance is relevant to the learning outcomes and content of the course or courses.
3. The student work or performance is appropriate in terms of the age, maturity, and learning needs of the students and the audience for whom it is intended. Audiences will be given notice as to the themes presented.
4. The content and language of the work will be free from propaganda, unlawful discrimination, and gratuitous*violence, sex or profanity (*i.e. not called for, unnecessary, unearned, undeserved).
5. The superintendent or designate and school principals are expected to assume general responsibility for seeing that the approved criteria are known and appropriately applied.

X-Ref: Policy #5780
Reg. #5780.1
Reg. #5780.2

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