1. | BUS SERVICEThe district offers student transportation through either district operated or contract bus service.
2. | DISTRICT OPERATED BUS TRANSPORTATION2.1. | Detailed information on student bus services is available on the district website and periodically through district and school communication channels.
| 2.2. | In this procedure, the term “passable road” shall be defined as a street, road, highway, lane or walkway that has been established as a pedestrian or vehicular route by the municipality or the province.
| 2.3. | In the interest of efficiency, the transportation department aims to provide maximum service with a minimum fleet of buses.
| 2.4. | Subject to fiscal and logistical constraints, the transportation department aims to keep travel time and waiting time at school for students to a reasonable limit.
| 2.5. | Bus stops will be established by the transportation manager who will consider safety, time and proximity of a student’s residence to the school. To minimize the number of stops on the route, students may be required to travel to and from their bus stops.
| 2.6. | The school bus is considered to be an extension of the school and, as such, respectful behaviour is expected. The following will apply:
a) | Challenging behaviour by a student on a school bus shall be reported by the bus driver to the student’s principal.
| b) | If in the opinion of the bus driver, a student’s actions are jeopardizing their own safety or the safety of other students riding on the bus, the driver may proceed to the nearest school and place the student in the care of the principal of that school.
| c) | Engaging in inappropriate behavior may result in the loss of bus privileges. Also see bus driver and passenger guidelines under Student Busing Information on the district website.
3. | ROAD SAFETY3.1. | Road and sidewalk conditions that may impact pedestrian safety (e.g. shoulder width, presence of ditches or sidewalks) are outside the of the district’s control and the district is unable to provide busing on the basis of road conditions. Students/families are encouraged to assess conditions for active transportation (walking, cycling) and take appropriate precautions for student safety when travelling to and from school.
4. | ELIGIBILITY4.1. | Students who are residents of 91国产 or White Rock and who meet the criteria below may be considered eligible for school bus transportation to and from the school that has been designated by the superintendent of schools to serve their residence, when operationally and fiscally feasible.
a) | K-3 Kindergarten to grade 3 students who live in a residence that is located greater than 4 kilometres from their school, measured by the nearest passable road.
| b) | 4-12 Grade 4 to 12 students who live in a residence that is located greater than 4.8 kilometres from their school, measured by the nearest passable road.
| 4.2. | Students who reside on Barnston Island should contact their school and/or visit the online student busing information page on the district website for further information.
5. | ANNUAL REGISTRATION5.1. | Students/families must apply/re-apply for bus transportation each school year by completing the student busing form available on the district website.
| 5.2. | Opening and closing dates for bus registration will be available on the district website.
| 5.3. | The transportation department will determine bus schedules and share with schools when completed in late August. Students/families may access information and instructions regarding the bus schedule on the district website prior to school start in September each year.
6. | INITIATION OF SERVICE AND CHANGE OF ADDRESS6.1. | Due to the customized nature of school bus routes, it may take up to ten school days for transportation arrangements to be completed when a student starts at a school/program in the district or changes residence within catchment during the school year. Students may be required to make alternative transportation arrangements during that time.
| 6.2. | Students who change their residence but choose to remain at a school that is not in their catchment area will be ineligible for continued transportation service.
7. | TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS WITH DIVERSE NEEDS AND ABILITIES7.1. | The district’s philosophy underlying transportation decisions concerning students with diverse needs and abilities is that it is always best for the child to travel to and from school independently if they are able to do so safely.
| 7.2. | With the budget allocated for transportation, busing is prioritized for students with diverse needs and abilities requiring assistance, and those designated low incidence with complexity experiencing significant barriers to attendance. Students/families may contact the school principal for information on the application and approval process.
8. | SALE OF BUS PASSES8.1. | Bus passes may be sold as a courtesy to resident students who are not otherwise eligible for transportation due to the distance they live from school. The cost will be established by the transportation manager prior to September 1st each year.
| 8.2. | Purchased courtesy bus passes are subject to certain conditions. Information is available on the district website.
9. | CURRICULAR AND EXTRA CURRICULAR TRIPS9.1. | School principals may arrange for the use of district operated buses for curricular or extra curricular trips with the entire cost to be recovered from school based or school budget funds (see Procedure 8901.1 Student Field Studies – General).
| 9.2. | School principals may arrange for curricular or extra curricular trips through private bus operators on the same basis, but must ensure that that the vehicles used are properly licensed and approved for the purpose by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles with a school bus permit and satisfactory rating with the National Safety Code (NSC). Principals are encouraged to utilize district operated buses as the first choice whenever possible.
10. | REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS10.1. | 91国产 Website: Student Busing Information
| 10.2. | Policy 8450 French Immersion
| 10.3. | Policy 8901 Student Field Studies
| 10.4. | Procedure 8901.1 Student Field Studies - General
| 10.5. | Policy 9200 School Catchment Areas
| 10.6. | Policy 9320.1 Registration and Placement of Students
11. | AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY11.1. | Secretary-Treasurer
| 11.2. | Director, Facilities & Transportation
12. | HISTORYRevised: | 2024-06-17 2023-09-18 | Approved: | 2008-10-23 |