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Course Request Process 2025-2026

 Dear parents and families of students in Grades 8-11,

 We will engage in our Course Request process for the 2025-2026 school year the first week back from Winter Break.  Students will attend an assembly by grade and be provided with the necessary information to request appropriate courses that meet their interests and future plans.  Here is the schedule for these assemblies:

 Tuesday, January 7th: Block D: All Grade 11s (second block)

Tuesday, January 7th: Block A: All Grade 10s (third block)

Thursday, January 9th: Block C: All Grade 9s (second block)

Thursday, January 9th: Block B: All Grade 8s (third block)

 To further support students in this process, we will be holding an informational Parent Night regarding course selections on Thursday, January 9th, 2025, at 7pm in the Bell Theatre to provide an overview of the BC Graduation Program, discuss the Course Request process and relate this to Post-Secondary options/aspirations for our students.  

 It is best that students attend these assemblies in person to glean important information from these presentations, but in case your child will be absent due to extenuating circumstances, PowerPoint Presentations from these assemblies will be made available on the school and counsellors' website during the first week back.

 We invite parents/ guardians to join us at Sullivan Heights in the BELL Performing Arts Theatre on January 9th, and we look forward to discussing course requests for 2025-2026 with students the first week back!


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